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Monday, July 25, 2011

The Training Effect

Ever wonder why you can't lose weight even though you walk, ride your bike, garden, or take part in many other physical activities regularly? Wonder why even though you do an hour of cardio and/or lifts weights you don't see a difference in your physique? There are specific levels of stimulation in which our body must exceed if we want it to respond a certain way. These levels, better referred to as zones, have different effects on the body.

Sedentary people do not get enough stimulation and typically experience pain, fatigue, and dysfunction. Afterall, moving allows for improved blood and oxygen flow throughout the circulatory system and keeps all the other systems in the body healthy. When we sit all day without moving, then your body systems are idling.

The physiologic loading zone is the next level of stimulation. These include daily activities such as grocery shopping, cleaning, gardening, walking, etc.


The next level of stimulation is the physiologic training zone in which you will begin to see physiological changes. Both of these zones are the right amount of stimulation for good health. However, depending on your health and fitness goals the loading zone may not be sufficient enough to reach those goals. In the training zone you are imposing a level of stress above that to which the body has already adapted in the loading zone.


There's a reason why when you first begin to work out you start seeing results FAST. When you workout at the right load then physiological changes take place within your body. Load refers to the stress you put on your muscles during exercise. The strength demanded by your tissues (muscle, bone, tendons and ligaments) in order to overcome the stress placed on them by exercise causes microscopic tissue damage.

This physiological response is called remodeling. Once micro-damage has occurred the damaged muscle tissue will recover by getting bigger or stronger.

Results slow down within due time because of adaptation. However, by proper rest and recuperation and by not exceeding the training zone into the pathologic overload zone you will build the strength you need in order to increase your effort. Otherwise, overuse injury can occur when you do not allow your tissues to heal first before exercising again.


If you're one of those people who does an hour of cardio every day, but you don't see any definition in your muscles then try picking up a light pair of weights and doing some strength exercises a couple days a week. You can also switch up the resistance level on the cardio equipment your on varying it and creating an interval workout instead of continuous.

If you need to lower your blood pressure, lower cholesterol, or strengthen your bones then invest in a beginner weight training DVD and a light pair of weights. Remodeling also applies to bone mineral.

If you consistently walk, don't have money for a gym membership, and dislike running, then find some uneven terrain. Walking up hills increases the load placed on your muscles and will also challenge your cardiovascular system!

Your body is always adapting. Thus, it's important to vary daily activities and different methods of exercise in order to get the best results.