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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dig Deep

The reasons why we choose to get in shape or want to get in shape vary widely. I'm not talking about fitness goals such as "I want to lose weight" or "I want to gain muscle", but instead the inner, deeper reasons why we want to get healthy. Usually there is an underlying cause whether it has been established or not eating at us to improve ourself. It is really important to do some emotional and personal reflection to put these causes for bettering ourself into words so that we can use them as motivating factors.
  • Some people are sick of being overweight because it lowers their self-esteem. A low self-esteem can affect multiple aspects of life especially relationships with others. Feeling better about yourself is certainly a great way to increase your self-esteem and exercise can give you a better sense of wellbeing.
There are both physiological and psychological reasons for this effect of wellbeing. Physiological changes happen when you exercise such as the release of specific endorphins creating a "high". Endorphins in your blood are about five times higher during moderate to intense exercise for at least 30 minutes (or circuit training) than at rest. Establishing an exercise program that works for you (remember to always keep adding variety so you don't get bored) can help you retain to your program. The longer you stick to it and fight through the sweat and fatigue the more you gain control of your life. Endorphins released during exercise decrease the sense of pain, anxiety, and stress in your life.

We cannot always just demand respect from other people who walk all over you. You might get laughed at if you do that or it might mean absolutely nothing to the person disrespecting you. "You get what you give" and this pertains to the energy or vibe you give off as well. If you have enough respect for yourself to take care of yourself, make improvements in your life, build your self esteem it will certainly show in your relationships and people will respect you for that.
  • Some people have health issues such as high blood pressure and must take medication to lower their blood pressure. However, these medications have side effects that can be awfully unpleasant causing pain, dysfunction, irritability, etc.
Exercise is a drug-free approach to lowering blood pressure. Most people who maintain a steady exercise program come off of their blood pressure medication with the approval of their doctor. Regular physical activity (30-60 minutes most days of the week) can lower post-exercise blood pressure by up to 12 mm/Hg. And it doesn't take long to see a difference.

Those are two main reasons why people want to become healthier. Underlying reasons often include family members which touch close to the heart. Broken relationships, a death, stress at work are all underlying reasons we aren't reaching success in our personal life. It's important to get in touch with your mind before beginning a health program for weight loss especially. No amount of diet and exercise will help you lose weight if you're not dealing with what's going on inside first.

If you have issues with your mom living with you then tell her and confront it face to face. Write down all the reasons why you benefit from being overweight. Are they excuses? Then write down all the reasons why you want to get in shape. Keeping a journal is a great way to figure out what's bothering you without seeing a therapist. Even the greatest, most knowledgable health freaks keep journals to stay on track.

Most importantly, write down how that can motivate you to get healthier. "I want to get healthy for my children. I want to live to see them go to college and have grandchildren someday." "I want to feel better inside and out. I will have more energy and be able to do normal activities such as going swimming with my friends without being embarrassed."

Get healthy for YOU!