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Saturday, July 23, 2011


Did you know that when twins are born one is typically more resilient than the other? Why is this and does it have to do with genetic or environmental factors?

Resiliency is the ability to bounce back quickly from adversity or stress. Whether or not a person is resilient depends largely on their personality. I bring this topic up because it is important when reaching health and fitness goals.

Someone who has low resiliency is more likely to suffer from health problems like heart attacks, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. If you are someone who can identify with these characteristics then you are a resilient person:

1. You have positive thoughts
2. You see problems as opportunities
3. You have a deep rooted faith in a system of meaning
4. You have a wide comfort zone
5. You have a healthy social support network

Environmental factors can often cause a person to lose sight of their health and fitness goals. For example, someone who is overweight and begins working out at a gym may lose all desire to finish the workout when they see someone who is already at the fitness level they want to be at. However, someone who is resilient would look at that person as a role model and motivation to get where they want to be.

Another example would be giving in to your favorite cheat meal after working hard at the gym all week. This isn't the end of the world! Use this as an opportunity to identify what you might be doing wrong. What are you cutting out of your diet that your body might need? Are you getting proper nutrition post-workout? Also, think positively! Your body most likely needed that meal.

I would recommend setting very small goals for yourself if you are not typically a resilient person. Take it day by day and don't set too many goals that will overwhelm you.

Here are a few examples of small goals that would be great to start out with on your health and fitness journey:
1. Eat a couple pieces of fruit throughout the day
2. Finish at least 30 minutes of cardio. Break it up into three 10 minute sessions if you have to.
3. Learn a new strength exercise
4. Start your day with a big glass of water before you eat anything
5. Get rid of everything in your cabinets with high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients list

By having 1 or more of these small goals each day, you are less likely to fail. The goal allows you to take control of your life little at a time. Remember that you are human, just like everybody else in the gym. We had to start somewhere too! The difference is, when we fell down we may have cried a little, dusted ourselves off, but we stood back up! Never lose sight of a healthier you.

Guinea pig: 8 week experiment

Hey Everyone! Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I will be blogging later tonight as well, but for now I just wanted to let ya'll know starting in two weeks I will be dedicating myself to an off-season figure workout routine for 8 weeks for those of you wanting to know how effective it is.

I will be taking before and after photos so you can see the changes. Yes, I will be taking all the measurements as well. Bodyfat, BMI, waist circumference, weight, etc., which is why I will not be doing it for another two weeks. I need to prepare myself.

Depending on how I feel and how effective it is I will make some slight changes to the program after the 8 weeks is up and may continue with it. However, for the sake of my own peace of mind will be taking a week off from intense weight training and substituting it with a different type of training.

My workouts and nutrition will be blogged about daily! Follow me on Twitter those of you who are interested in training in the future and want to know what works and what does not!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Will losing weight make me happy?

Unfortunately, people who think that the solution to their loneliness, emptiness, sadness, or depression is weight-loss when it is not. Please let me briefly explain a few things to help you better understand.

Happiness is something sought after by everybody whether by celebrities, royalty, or the average Joe (or Jane). More than 33% of adults and 17% of children are affected by obesity (population approximately 303 million people). Depression affects 1 out of 20 Americans older than 12 years. Whether overweight and obesity is a side-effect of depression or depression is a side-effect of overweight and obesity is questionable, but the two are proportionally correlated. What this means is that when one symptom increases so does the other.

In today’s mainstream media and market, more weight-loss products are being sold more than ever before. The percent of jobs open to health care professionals has increased. What this means is that there is a need to decrease the problem of obesity. Obesity is a problem because, compared to healthy weight individuals, most studies show a significant increase in mortality rate. However, decreasing the obesity rate has been a challenge despite the efforts of numerous health programs around the United States.

Weight-loss vs. Fat-loss

We want quick fixes to losing weight, but they aren’t the answer. Trying the latest fad diets and weight-loss pills, which offer up to 20 pounds lost in two weeks, is not a valid way to lose weight. A couple of reasons why they do not work are because you’re losing water-weight and not fat-weight. These dangerous pills can damage your kidneys, liver, and heart, and often contain diuretics to help you expel water out of your system leaving you dehydrated even if you do not feel like you are. Fad diets require that you consume very little calories causing you to feel hungry. If you can stick to this fad diet for a few days you’re body goes into starvation mode holding on to energy stored in the body. Consider it this way, when you eat very little calories your body thinks you’re starving it and conserves energy, actually holding onto fat. You will experience blood sugar highs and lows making you feel dizzy, irritable, and fatigued. You will not be able to keep the weight off long-term.

The proper way to lose fat is to slowly decrease your calorie intake while expending more calories through physical activity. To know whether you’re losing weight the healthy way, 1-2 pounds a week is what you should see on the scale.

So, will losing FAT make me happy?

Being at a healthy weight can give you a greater sense of well-being and often does decrease symptoms of depression by allowing you to feel that you are in control of your life. Happiness comes from within. Sometimes we struggle to lose weight because we have not properly dealt with the deeper, internal issues. It is important to talk to a therapist, friend, or family member about how you’re feeling. Keeping a journal of how you feel can be very helpful by allowing you to identify what you’re emotions are at the current moment.

Weight-loss pills and fad diets are not magic and will not solve your problems. Trying to get skinny should not be your goal. Genetics play a large role in how your body is shaped. Thus, the shape of your body most likely will not change, but the size of it can through physical activity and a healthy diet.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

3 things to look for when choosing a personal trainer.

You wouldn't choose just any doctor would you? Then why would you choose just any personal trainer?

Personal trainers often choose to train other people because they genuinely have a passion for it, but not every trainer has the same credentials under his/her belt and not every trainer is good at what they do.

The #1 thing you want to keep an eye out for is PERSONALITY. Is this person going to motivate you to want to workout? Do they have empathy for what you're going through and how do they interact with you? Do they pay attention to you when you talk to them or does it seem like they're mind is in the gutter? If you don't feel you're a good match then keep looking. Sometimes you just have to give it a few sessions to determine if it's the right fit.

Many people who ask for personal trainers ask for male trainers because they believe they will push them harder, but this is false. I know just as many female trainers, if not more, who push their clients to the max and think on their toes under time-constricting conditions. Females may not be able to lift as much as males, but if she has the credentials then she knows how to spot heavy weight properly and safely. Thus, it doesn't matter if you're a male and you get a female personal trainer. Chances are she knows more than you.

The #2 thing you want to keep an eye out for (and don't be afraid to ask) is what CREDENTIALS they have. What kind of training and education have they had? It's easy to memorize what the hamstring muscle is, but knowing it's point of insertion, origin, and function are completely different and something that must be learned. The more education they have in the field of health promotion and fitness, the more you can trust that they will provide you with an effective and creative exercise program.
Kinesiology, behavior theories, physiology of exercise, exercise programming, and many other courses are all an integral part of becoming a fitness professional in any accredited university or college. They help shape the personal views of a fitness professional and allow them to think for themself.

Important trait #3 is PROFESSIONALISM. How do they define themselves as a fitness professional? What do they do to show that they are there to support you? Hopefully your trainer is dressing appropriately, arriving on time for your personal training sessions, and treating their clients and coworkers with respect. Also, they should be clear from the beginning about their policies and operating procedures.

Good luck with your search for a personal trainer!

Planet Fitness: Really Planet Fatness?

In today’s competitive fitness industry, it is becoming more common that a credible college degree and reputable certification is part of the fitness professional’s resume before being considered for a personal training job. Fitness is a science involving risk stratification, measurements of different sorts, behavior change, and exercise programming. There is a lot more to it than most people believe. Those who choose to go into the field of fitness truly have a passion for helping others.

Planet Fitness, a national franchise, discontinued personal training at its club in 2010. Mike Grondahl, CEO of Planet Fitness, insulted fitness professionals when he said “…most people doing personal training are just renting friends.” Adding to this statement he wrote, “…who the hell needs a friend for 50 bucks an hour?” “For us to be selling personal training is a fraud and downright condescending to anyone who can breathe.”

Although it is true to say that you build a close relationship with your personal trainer, it is equally true that the personal trainer provides valuable information about the benefits toward not only improving their overall health and fitness, but teaching them how to work out safely, effectively, and efficiently. Did you know there is a pivot point on many of the machines in which your elbow, knee, or hip should be in line with? Personal trainers provide information to their clients on how to properly adjust resistance machines. Most people sit on these machines without properly adjusting them first allowing for increased chance of injury. However, those who choose to workout at Planet Fitness can’t make that jump from beginner to advanced levels of fitness, improving quality of life.

If Planet Fitness doesn’t offer the personal support and motivation a one-on-one training session has to offer, then how can they say in their own mission statement “We are not here to kiss your butt, only to kick it if that’s what you need.” A fitness professional cheering you on to complete those last repetitions you wouldn’t be able to complete on your own is not kissing butt. It is merely giving you the challenge to better the quality of life you live in which you wouldn’t normally give yourself.

Here’s what Planet Fitness does have: 
  •  Group fitness classes which will provide you with basic exercises
  •  Nice equipment
  • A “no-judgment zone”. However, if you’re in shape and wear clothing showing off your muscles be aware that you will get looks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Proper nutrition plays key role in metabolism and daily functioning

Proper nutrition plays key role in metabolism and daily functioning

HIIT: What it's about and how it can change your physique.

HIIT, which stands for high intensity interval training, can be confusing to those who are new to it and interpreted differently by different people. When you watch the tube and see commercials for Intensity, P90X, or other "research-based" methods to exercising that guarantee results in small segments of time don't be so gullable.

While P90X and Intensity will absolutely get you the results you need, the program requires you to workout almost every day of the week at very high intensity while simultaneously following their diet plan. These programs are not for beginners and I recommend starting out with a program that gradually incorporates high intensity training in to your weekly training regimen.

Why HIIT works.
HIIT takes intervals which increase your heart rate to sub-max (even maximal) heart rate levels burning calories at a fast rate while also improving cardiovascular function. By incorporating a recovery period, your heart is able to return to a moderate heart rate, still burning calories and allowing you to oxygenate your muscles and give your body a chance to recuperate from the intense burst just before it fatigues. A cardio session done for 1 hour burns the same amount of calories you would burn in a 30 minute HIIT session, cutting the amount of time you exercise for in half. This method of training is extremely effective because at high-intensity levels you're recruiting muscles that you wouldn't normally recruit exercising at moderate levels for long periods of time. The more muscles you recruit, the more energy you use thus burning more calories. You're also "shaping" these muscles at the same time.

You don't have to spend a lot of money on exercise programs to get great results. All you need to know is a few simple rules about HIIT.

Rule #1. HIIT is a method of training for beginners to the more advanced that uses alternating short bursts of all-out, high intensity levels back to recovery, moderate intensity levels. Be sure to keep the higher-intensity bursts short. The purpose is to be able to do this for at least 20 minutes.

       An example of this might be sprinting on a treadmill for 30 seconds then bringing the speed back down to a slower jog for 45 seconds to 1 minute for recovery. As your stamina improves over time, increase the amount of time you're at an all-out sprint to 45 seconds-1 minute.

Rule #2. Always warm-up first and cool-down after. This is important for several reasons, which I will go deeper into another time. Most importantly, warming up loosens your muscles and improves blood flow throughout the body, which will give you a better workout.
Cooling down is important because it allows the blood stored in your muscles from exercise to properly flow back to the areas of the body that need it. Blood-pooling in the legs is a common side effect of not cooling down.

Rule #3. Give yourself time to recover after HIIT. If you find that you're sore after HIIT it's probably because your body has been shocked (since it's not used to this type of training) and your muscles need proper nourishment in order to recover. Take an active-rest day such as going for a long walk or swimming the next day or exercise the bodyparts that are not sore.

Rule #4. Incorporate HIIT into both your cardivascular exercise session and your strength training program for optimal results.You can incorporate HIIT into any type of workout. An example of HIIT incorporated into your strength training program might be adding burpees after a shoulder press or mountain climbers inbetween squat sets.

Like I said, HIIT can be confusing because often times we see information in the media telling us the "best" way to exercise. The best way to exercise is to have a diverse training regimen that includes variety. Strength training and cardio, which are important for over-all health. If you're doing the same thing in the gym over and over again, include 1-2 HIIT workouts in your schedule and cut-out one or two of the continuous cardio sessions. You will see results, and feel them.