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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Leading & Learning

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to one another." - John F. Kennedy

       Yesterday I took a trip to Syracuse, which is about an hour away, to talk with the Director of Personal Training (hopefully I got that right) about a possible career opportunity. I also got to briefly meet with the owner of Personal Fitness in which he referred to me as the "Watertown Girl". I didn't mind the nickname. I felt a little like a celebrity. Personal Fitness is a two-level executive gym located in the heart of downtown Syracuse serving about 300 clients a week. How can they accomplish such a huge task? By employing MANY knowledgeable, experienced, and certified trainers. Oh, I forgot to mention that they don't have any competition either.

      The night before my trip I set my alarm clock for 7 am. I woke up excited, nervous, and a little skeptical of what I would be walking into. This skepticism due to the last job I had whose business website made them look like the rock superstars of Watertown fitness. After working for them for several weeks I realized there were no opportunities in sight for career growth nor were they rock superstars. I walked my dogs, got their breakfast ready (eggs and the usual chicken stick), ate my breakfast, and got ready to leave by 9:30am. I didn't set foot out the door until 9:45am and when I set the GPS it read distance time: 1hr 35min. "Shit!" I thought the trip would only be an hour! No time for a coffee or lunch at the Mustard Seed. Thank God Andrew left me a sugar-free Rockstar in the fridge. I think I drove 77mph the entire way, making sure to slow down to 73 when passing any "No U-turn" signs.

       I arrived in Syracuse just in time, but now had to find parking. I parked in 12 minute parking for about an hour. I saw the big letters "P-e-r-s-o-n-a-l F-i-t-n-e-s-s" outside the building. I went in through the revolving doors to what looked like a beautiful hotel/bank type lobby. I entered the doors to the gym and met the Director of Personal Training. A big, muscular guy wearing a red shirt. He shook my hand firmly and showed me around the place. Then we went in his office and he told me a little about the business.

    The way their personal training works (among the trainers) is such that it encompasses shadowing, sharing, practice, experience, feedback, and affirmation. This means that the team of trainers works together so that their programs are effective. It is a continuous learning process, which is important for growth and development as both a person and trainer. The Director asked me a few questions, which both refreshed my memory and taught me something new and valuable that wasn't taught to me in school. You mean four years of college and a professional certification didn't teach you everything? Nope, sure as hell didn't! Learning and discovery are things that never end and should never end if we want to better ourselves.

      So now you're probably wondering what he asked me. He asked me to name the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder. I named two out of four. It looks like I need to update my damn 3-D musculoskeletal quiz application on my iphone. That's all I thought about before bed last night...the names of the four rotator cuff muscles. Anywhere from 91-94% of Americans suffer from low-back pain. He also asked me what the curve was in the low back and why someone may have low-back pain. There are multiple answers, one being poor posture for long hours of the day, but weak rectus abdominal muscles is a major source and that was the answer he was looking for. He showed me a little kinesiology with his mini-skeleton and it became clear that low-back pain could occur if your form is not perfect during abdominal exercises. For example, if you're performing reverse crunches, flutter kicks, and scissor kicks (etc.) and feeling low-back pain at the same time think about pulling in your abs or strengthening them overall. The Director also asked me questions about exercise programming and nutritional recommendations, which he gave me great feedback on.

       My trip yesterday was well worth the hour drive. I want to acknowledge the fact that Personal Fitness is a great gym because they want to be the best at what they do, not because they serve about 300 clients a week for personal training alone. They are interactive with one another and as difficult as it can be to work with a large group of co-workers I'd say they're doing a pretty good job at it. The Director superseeds the quintessential boss or head personal trainer. At Personal Fitness it is as though the questions why? and how? are never left out of exercise programming and before any program is started with a client it is reviewed by someone else to be sure that it makes perfect sense.

    Yesterday inspired me to continue my education as science is evolving ALL the time and I need to know more to help my clients get results. My clients look to me as the expert so that's what I will strive to be. Thank you Personal Fitness for the opportunity to start a career with you and for the reality check! I am by no means perfect. I am inspired to continue my education and I accept your criticism with grace. Thanks again!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Excuses: Quit cheating yourself!

What is it with people who go to the gym and hop on a piece of cardio equipment for 15 minutes then leave? It aggravates me! You may have made the effort to go to the gym, but that is about all you've done. You might as well have not even wasted your time driving 10 minutes there and another 10 minutes home. Obese and morbidly obese individuals who have a lot of difficulty moving may need to start exercise in three broken down or spread out 10-minute increments a day, but not healthy people. I have seen MANY people guilty of this act.

Is it that you've lost the motivation to continue your workout? Are you still thinking about how your boss pissed you off at work and you were just too frustrated to workout? Or maybe you think that's sufficient enough time and effort to see results. Hopefully, you've at least gotten a small increase in energy from that 15 minutes. If not, you're not working hard enough!

I've heard a lot of excuses why it sucks to workout. It takes time and effort, it requires a little skill, you have to do awkward things, you don't want to gain muscle, or get sore. The biggest one that kills me is that people hate to sweat.

Well, I've got news and it's been said before. If you're making excuses, you're cheating yourself out of more than just a workout. You're cheating yourself out of health and well-being. You're cheating yourself out of waking up in a good mood, feeling better about the way you look and feel, and the daily choices you make when all of these factors come together, which could ultimately make or break you.

Most people make up excuses, lie, and cheat without feeling any remorse because the "seed" is planted young. Stop reinforcing your excuses. Own up to the fact that not going to the gym because you don't like to sweat is an excuse. No one 'likes' to sweat, but we do it because it's good for us. You may be the type that "doesn't need to exercise", but everyone needs to exercise. So kick that excuse as well because you won't be able to get away with that excuse forever.

One day you wake up and look at yourself naked in the mirror. "Oh my God!" You knew your clothes weren't fitting that well, but you didn't know it was that bad. You act quick and make today the first day of diet and exercise. Maybe even, you'll start fresh tomorrow. Has this happened to you? This happened because you continued to make up excuse after excuse to eat healthy and exercise. They built on one another and and created their own reality. The reality that one more day of bad habits, one more piece of cheese cake wouldn't hurt. These excuses become part of our long-term memory and we forget we told that tiny fib to ourselves. Thus, memory distortions are created by our own excuses and lies.

"Great workout, let's go get chinese food. We deserve it!" Don't fool yourself. You know that you're putting the calories you burned off STRAIGHT back in to your body. People want to believe that they are moral and right so they'll tell themselves anything to believe this view. What you have done is twist the facts around so that in your mind it's not an really do deserve it because you worked hard.

I'm guilty of this. I'll be honest. I, too, am a little more relaxed when evaluating myself, than when I evaluate my husband. For example, I notice EVERY little excuse he makes up, but it's okay when I do it because it wasn't was the situation!

These behaviors keep a person from living a fulfilling life. I am not saying you have to workout every day. I don't! However, it's important to get a good sweat in, yes I said SWEAT, at least 3 times a week. Accept who you are, flaws and all and set aside the excuses. Most importantly, stop blaming others.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

YUMMY Pumpkin Bread..and HEALTHY!

Delicious Pumpkin Bread...I like to split it up in two mini muffin pans. That way I have one and my husband has one all for himself. About 400 calories per mini muffin pan.

Calories:  96
Fat:  1.4 grams
Carbs:  12 grams
Protein: 10 grams

(8 servings)


1 cup Oat Flour (I use oatmeal and grind it up)
4 Egg Whites
2 scoops Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
½ cup Truvia, or Stevia
½ tsp Baking Soda
¼ tsp Salt
½ tsp Pumpkin Spice
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
8oz Carrot Baby Food
4oz Water

1.       Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.       Mix dry ingredients
3.       Mix wet ingredients (egg whites, Splenda, Truvia, or Ideal, Berry flavored Baby Food,Water) together in a medium sized bowl.
4.       Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together.
5.       Spray cooking dish with a non stick butter spray and add batter to dish.
Bake 20-30 minutes in oven.

The Domino Effect

       Do you ever notice when someone 'likes' your status on FB you end up 'liking' one of theirs not too long after? Or have you noticed when you hold the door for someone, they hold the next door for you? Kindness is like a chain reaction and it doesn't take much effort for it to spread. Kindness can be used to inspire the passing on of random acts and even push us to the next level.

       When we do something kind because we want to for someone else it is proven that we feel better about ourselves and it also improves the mood of someone else. Often times we can be kind to someone and help them in ways that we do not even realize are kind. There becomes a certain trust present as well when we know someone is kind and compassionate.

       A few weeks ago, during a particular workout, I noticed a couple of girls working out on the other side of the room. They were going about their daily business when I looked back over at them five minutes later, they were doing the same sumo squat with an upright row as I had been doing five minutes ago. Instead of guacking and staring I took it as a compliment.

       My husband Andrew told me while he had been doing Russian twists at the gym the other day with the medicine ball, a lady did the same move right after she saw him doing it.

       I was just asked the other day by a football athlete what he could do for hamstring exercises because he pulled his hamstring during a tackle. It sounded silly and a lot of people would have laughed because you don't work your hamstrings if you've injured them. Instead of chuckling in his face, I gave him a couple great rehab exercises for his hamstring and suggested he rest it. I explained to him why you don't want to keep working it in the weight room and then gave him a suggestion for an upper back exercise. He was appreciative and, in turn, he opened up to me to tell me he strives to be perfect on the playing field so he spends too much time in the gym trying to make himself faster.

       What have you done for someone else today?