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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Falling off the band wagon

Some days just seem impossible to get through. You might have the world on your shoulders one day or you may just be completely bored the next and you find yourself sitting on the couch, watching television, eating anything you can find that's appealing in the kitchen cabinets because food will cure everything.

For my mom it's coming home and immediately pouring herself a glass of wine...and then another glass, and then another. No offense mom, I love you!

I agree that we all need an outlet daily to let out stress in order to regain and maintain balance within your life, but your choices on how you choose to deal with stress impact whether or not you will feel better afterward. If you have a habit of going for the bag of potato chips, cookies or ice cream (maybe you eat all of those) then don't expect that you're going to be happy afterward or when your pants don't fit six months down the road.

I have bad days too. Some days I come home and go for an ice cream (and a brownie) with my husband, and we'll split a frozen pizza, but I don't begin my day that way. And, I don't beat myself up either. The next day I often feel lethargic because that food does not provide you with any lasting energy. It only provides with you energy that gets stored as fat over night while you sleep.

Ever heard the term falling off the bandwagon? It's really important that even when you have a bad day the next day you look deep within yourself and find the will to be better than you were the day before. Go to the gym, go for a power-walk or a jog. Go swimming. Do something that is going to lift your spirits. You've got to start somewhere right?

Exercise is something that should be done almost on a daily basis. Most people under estimate the power of physical activity and the benefits it provides for your well being. It also speeds up your metabolism by adding lean muscle for the next time you really need a night to raid the cupboards. There are a thousand different ways to get up and move.

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