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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How much do you really know about nutrition?

I just saw a McDonald's commercial recently where an adult party (looked like a wedding party) was eating McDonald's at the head table. The actors were all dressed up and each person had a bag of McDonald's food. My first thought was "What's next for McDonald's, catering?" Now that would be scary!! McDonald's will always have customers, but I do think they're desparate in trying new ways to reach their audience.

I think today's society is headed in a new direction and people want to try to eat differently. (Hence McDonald's attempt to offer healthy selections like oatmeal, salads, yogurt parfaits, etc.) How could one not want to at least try to change their dietary habits with all the information out there about the risks of obesity, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity? But, how much do we really know about nutrition?

It can be difficult to know even where to start without any professional instruction in nutrition. Yes, we know fruits, vegetables, whole grains are all good for us. There's more to it than that though, right? I know there are people out there who are striving to lose weight who exercise 5 days/week and claim their nutrition is good but they aren't seeing results. So where do YOU start? What are some of  the misconceptions that you'd like cleared up?

And no, McDonald's is NOT good for you so don't fall for their "healthy" sales gimmicks.

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