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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Workout #24

25 mins HIIT:
min       incline     speed
1           1.5          3.5
2-3       1.5          3.8
4-6       1.5          4.0
7           1.5          5.5
8           1.5          6.0

Sprinting every 30 seconds, increase the speed with time from 6.0 to 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, until you get to 9.0. On the rest periods you can drop the speed down to a steady pace (about 6.0) OR you can completely rest. This method is a little more dangerous because it involves hopping on and off the treadmill tracks while the track is still running high speed. This involves placing both hands on the handles near the end of the 30 second sprint and lifting yourself up and off of the spinning track so your feet are planted on the outer sides of the treadmill. When you are ready to begin running again at the end of your 30 second rest, keep you hands on the handles tightly, lift yourself up a little using your upper body strength and place one foot on the treadmill at a time.

For practice, start out at slow speeds doing this. It's not as difficult as it sounds, but it can be intimidating. However, as much as it is intimidating it's an amazing and exhilerating workout that doesn't exhaust the shin muscles as quickly if you aren't a typical runner.

Cool down for 5 minutes at 4.0 when you reach 20 minutes. I like to increase the incline to 3.5-4.0 during this time to keep my heart rate up. Feel free to decrease the speed during the last minute or two. Even though it's a cool down, we don't want to cool down too much because we still have a workout!

So you're muscles don't freeze up and blood doesn't just pool in your lower extremities, perform a few dynamic stretches prior to your resistance training. You'll still be sweating, I promise.

Triset 1, 2 sets:
Lateral lunge with dumbbell reach....1 minute
Stiff-leg DL....1 minute
V-sits on Bosu....15 reps

Triset 2, 2 sets:
Sumo squat with shoulder press....1 minute
Plank (on elbows)....45 seconds
Jumping Jacks.....30 seconds
Jumping Oblique Twists....30 seconds

Repeat Triset 1, 2 sets

Repeat Triset 2, 2 sets

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