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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Excuses: Quit cheating yourself!

What is it with people who go to the gym and hop on a piece of cardio equipment for 15 minutes then leave? It aggravates me! You may have made the effort to go to the gym, but that is about all you've done. You might as well have not even wasted your time driving 10 minutes there and another 10 minutes home. Obese and morbidly obese individuals who have a lot of difficulty moving may need to start exercise in three broken down or spread out 10-minute increments a day, but not healthy people. I have seen MANY people guilty of this act.

Is it that you've lost the motivation to continue your workout? Are you still thinking about how your boss pissed you off at work and you were just too frustrated to workout? Or maybe you think that's sufficient enough time and effort to see results. Hopefully, you've at least gotten a small increase in energy from that 15 minutes. If not, you're not working hard enough!

I've heard a lot of excuses why it sucks to workout. It takes time and effort, it requires a little skill, you have to do awkward things, you don't want to gain muscle, or get sore. The biggest one that kills me is that people hate to sweat.

Well, I've got news and it's been said before. If you're making excuses, you're cheating yourself out of more than just a workout. You're cheating yourself out of health and well-being. You're cheating yourself out of waking up in a good mood, feeling better about the way you look and feel, and the daily choices you make when all of these factors come together, which could ultimately make or break you.

Most people make up excuses, lie, and cheat without feeling any remorse because the "seed" is planted young. Stop reinforcing your excuses. Own up to the fact that not going to the gym because you don't like to sweat is an excuse. No one 'likes' to sweat, but we do it because it's good for us. You may be the type that "doesn't need to exercise", but everyone needs to exercise. So kick that excuse as well because you won't be able to get away with that excuse forever.

One day you wake up and look at yourself naked in the mirror. "Oh my God!" You knew your clothes weren't fitting that well, but you didn't know it was that bad. You act quick and make today the first day of diet and exercise. Maybe even, you'll start fresh tomorrow. Has this happened to you? This happened because you continued to make up excuse after excuse to eat healthy and exercise. They built on one another and and created their own reality. The reality that one more day of bad habits, one more piece of cheese cake wouldn't hurt. These excuses become part of our long-term memory and we forget we told that tiny fib to ourselves. Thus, memory distortions are created by our own excuses and lies.

"Great workout, let's go get chinese food. We deserve it!" Don't fool yourself. You know that you're putting the calories you burned off STRAIGHT back in to your body. People want to believe that they are moral and right so they'll tell themselves anything to believe this view. What you have done is twist the facts around so that in your mind it's not an really do deserve it because you worked hard.

I'm guilty of this. I'll be honest. I, too, am a little more relaxed when evaluating myself, than when I evaluate my husband. For example, I notice EVERY little excuse he makes up, but it's okay when I do it because it wasn't was the situation!

These behaviors keep a person from living a fulfilling life. I am not saying you have to workout every day. I don't! However, it's important to get a good sweat in, yes I said SWEAT, at least 3 times a week. Accept who you are, flaws and all and set aside the excuses. Most importantly, stop blaming others.

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