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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Functional training: Sample workout

I realize a while ago I said I would post after every workout during my 8 weeks of training, which I have failed to do. I'm going to take responsibility and start posting now!

I began a different method of training October 16th and am now 19 workouts deep. I have noticed a 6 pound weight loss and my abs are beginning to show through. If you don't believe me you can ask Andrew! I feel so much better about myself and wearing my clothes is a lot more fun too. The best part about it is it's only been four weeks...not even four!

The 8 weeks of training is different from what I normally do because it is a timed workout (approximately one hour), 6 days a week, high intensity workout with little rest, and the workouts utilize a lot of functional exercises allowing for a more "total body" effect. These type of exercises incorporate more muscles during an exercise session, increase heart rate, work the cardiovascular system while strength training at the same time. The best part (for me) is the calorie burn. I typically workout 3 days on, one day off.

Let me not forget to mention that I did not have a course of action prior to this 8 week experiment, which most likely allows for even greater results. My fitness was okay since I had trained regular during the school year, but that ended in May and then I had only been working out anywhere from 1-3 days per week. I got fed up with the way I looked and had my husband take some "before" pictures. I will be sure to post those pictures when the 8 week is up!

Here is tonight's workout... which kicked my a%$ if you must ask.

5 minute warm-up on the elliptical
Dynamic stretches (I do a lunge series then finish with a few more stretches)
   -I always finish with high knees and butt kicks

Triset 1, Repeat 2x:
Wide-grip power pull-ups...8 reps
Hanging leg raises...12 reps
Burpees...12 reps

Triset 2, Repeat 2x:
Lateral Deadlift (opposite reach)...30 lb kettlebell timed for 1 minute.
Plank twists...1 min.
High knees...30 seconds

Triset 1, Repeat 2x

Triset 2, Repeat 2x

Superset, Repeat 4x:
Bent over one-arm row...8 reps each arm
    -keep your free arm rested behind your back and get down in a half squat position
Kettlebell figure-eight...15 lbs for 45 seconds

Isometric lunge with wide grip bicep curl...10 pounds for 12 reps, 4 sets

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