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Thursday, November 10, 2011

No One's Perfect

No one's perfect...they say
Well I disagree!
I happen to be a perfect example of a perfect person
I'm perfectly good in my goodness
Perfect at being angry when I'm mad
I'm perfectly disagreeable when I argue
And make perfect mistakes in my errors
I develop a perfectly negative attitude when moody
I'm perfectly happy in my happiness
And will cry perfectly when sad
I'm perfectly calm in my coolness
Fall perfectly short in my shortcomings
And when I make a's a perfect wreck
I pout...shout...and strike out perfectly
In the insanity of living in this perfectly imperfect world.
So no one's perfect?
- Daphne Haygood-Benyard

       I thought this poem was pun intended. Today's topic is about trying to be perfect in everything we do, or in one area of our life, specifically. Whether it's our work we're trying to perfect, or a relationship we have with another person, or even our bodies... trying to be perfect can be destructive in more ways than one.

     The perception we have of ourself depends on the ability to recognize our personal strengths. The less awareness you have for your personal strengths, the lower self-esteem you have. For example, people who can't identify any strengths at all and are always saying how ugly they are have low self-esteem. Be aware the next time you tell someone their strength (this can also be a compliment) and note their immediate verbal or nonverbal reaction. Did they downplay it or did they embrace it?

       We make choices every day of our lives. We always have choices to make. Do I grab a sandwich and fries for lunch from that great restaurant downtown or do I make my own lunch? Should I go to the gym today or take the day off? Knowing your personal limits is vital for making decisions.

     Personal limits are internal boundaries that we, ourselves, create and often times they are too constricting. We tell ourselves that we can't do something because, for example, it will interfere with what we are working toward. Fears, failures, or inexperience hold us back from doing what we are truly capable of doing.

       What I am saying is that people who try to be perfect all of the time are actually holding themselves back from being who they truly are. If you're scared to do something I highly recommend trying to do it. This will help you determine if your inner limits are too restrictive. You can also determine if your inner limits are too restrictive by taking a strength to a higher level. If you're a good artist, take it to the next level and step out of your comfort zone. This can be applied to anything in life. If you constantly do cardio because you're scared of going in to the weight room...go into the damn weight room and conquer your fear!

       We try to be perfectionists, but we aren't being perfect at all. Start recognizing your strengths. We are all unique and different from one another, yet we all share the same feelings. It's not bragging to know your strengths. It will allow you to expand your boundaries and live a more experienced life.

       Life is too precious not to love who you are and know yourself as a loveable, exciting person. A bad day is a bad day, but to constantly hide because you think you aren't good enough is a waste of a life. I know someone who won't go to the pool until they lose the weight. Well, it has been a LONG time since they've been to the pool and they're still saying they're going to lose the weight. Stop hiding...start recognizing your strengths and show the world what you've got!

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