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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Workout #24

25 mins HIIT:
min       incline     speed
1           1.5          3.5
2-3       1.5          3.8
4-6       1.5          4.0
7           1.5          5.5
8           1.5          6.0

Sprinting every 30 seconds, increase the speed with time from 6.0 to 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, until you get to 9.0. On the rest periods you can drop the speed down to a steady pace (about 6.0) OR you can completely rest. This method is a little more dangerous because it involves hopping on and off the treadmill tracks while the track is still running high speed. This involves placing both hands on the handles near the end of the 30 second sprint and lifting yourself up and off of the spinning track so your feet are planted on the outer sides of the treadmill. When you are ready to begin running again at the end of your 30 second rest, keep you hands on the handles tightly, lift yourself up a little using your upper body strength and place one foot on the treadmill at a time.

For practice, start out at slow speeds doing this. It's not as difficult as it sounds, but it can be intimidating. However, as much as it is intimidating it's an amazing and exhilerating workout that doesn't exhaust the shin muscles as quickly if you aren't a typical runner.

Cool down for 5 minutes at 4.0 when you reach 20 minutes. I like to increase the incline to 3.5-4.0 during this time to keep my heart rate up. Feel free to decrease the speed during the last minute or two. Even though it's a cool down, we don't want to cool down too much because we still have a workout!

So you're muscles don't freeze up and blood doesn't just pool in your lower extremities, perform a few dynamic stretches prior to your resistance training. You'll still be sweating, I promise.

Triset 1, 2 sets:
Lateral lunge with dumbbell reach....1 minute
Stiff-leg DL....1 minute
V-sits on Bosu....15 reps

Triset 2, 2 sets:
Sumo squat with shoulder press....1 minute
Plank (on elbows)....45 seconds
Jumping Jacks.....30 seconds
Jumping Oblique Twists....30 seconds

Repeat Triset 1, 2 sets

Repeat Triset 2, 2 sets

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Dynamics of Stretching

I know, I know. Stretching is boring! It's time consuming and more than half of gym goers skip this important step in the workout process. A workout SHOULD be compromised of a warm-up, exercise session, and a cool-down, but most people don't because they don't realize just how important it is.

If you're not going to stretch any other time during the day, at least warm-up prior to your workout. You can warm-up by stretching and stretching can most definitely warm-up the body providing you do it correctly.

Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretching is a great pre-workout warm-up. Dynamic stretching, a form of stretching while using momentum or movement at the same time, not only warms the body and prepares it for exercise, but it can also be considered part of the exercise session and you will see why in a few moments.

Through a dynamic warm-up your body gradually begins to get warm. Your body begins to demand more oxygen in order to please the working muscles, thus your respiratory rate increases in order to be able to circulate more oxygen to your muscles.

A warm muscle is more elastic in nature allowing for more stretch and less chance of an injury. These physiological changes reduce overall muscle viscosity. You can think of viscosity of "thickness". Hypothetically, if blood is like butter and at room temperature it is thick and hard, then when it is warm it is more like water which is liquidy. This can describe the difference between muscle viscosity during a warmed-up muscle and a muscle that goes straight in to a heavy squat without a warm-up.

A warm-up also increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors, which ultimately increases the speed of nerve impulses. If you think that nerves have nothing to do with doing exercise, then I suggest you do a little research about the neuromuscular response. Here is a hint, the reason people see results at the beginning of an exercise regimen are due primarily because the muscles are controlled by the nervous system.

Take 5 minutes to warm-up and you will feel the world of a difference in your workout. Not only do they feel great, but the warm-up exercises you choose to do can aid in the transformation of your body as well as improve the quality and safety of your workout. Lunges are an especially great warm-up activity that help shape the legs and core. Below are a few dynamic stretches to do at the beginning of your workout. I recommend performing 7-10 stretches before you exercise. Take your time and really feel the stretch. You will notice a change!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Leading & Learning

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to one another." - John F. Kennedy

       Yesterday I took a trip to Syracuse, which is about an hour away, to talk with the Director of Personal Training (hopefully I got that right) about a possible career opportunity. I also got to briefly meet with the owner of Personal Fitness in which he referred to me as the "Watertown Girl". I didn't mind the nickname. I felt a little like a celebrity. Personal Fitness is a two-level executive gym located in the heart of downtown Syracuse serving about 300 clients a week. How can they accomplish such a huge task? By employing MANY knowledgeable, experienced, and certified trainers. Oh, I forgot to mention that they don't have any competition either.

      The night before my trip I set my alarm clock for 7 am. I woke up excited, nervous, and a little skeptical of what I would be walking into. This skepticism due to the last job I had whose business website made them look like the rock superstars of Watertown fitness. After working for them for several weeks I realized there were no opportunities in sight for career growth nor were they rock superstars. I walked my dogs, got their breakfast ready (eggs and the usual chicken stick), ate my breakfast, and got ready to leave by 9:30am. I didn't set foot out the door until 9:45am and when I set the GPS it read distance time: 1hr 35min. "Shit!" I thought the trip would only be an hour! No time for a coffee or lunch at the Mustard Seed. Thank God Andrew left me a sugar-free Rockstar in the fridge. I think I drove 77mph the entire way, making sure to slow down to 73 when passing any "No U-turn" signs.

       I arrived in Syracuse just in time, but now had to find parking. I parked in 12 minute parking for about an hour. I saw the big letters "P-e-r-s-o-n-a-l F-i-t-n-e-s-s" outside the building. I went in through the revolving doors to what looked like a beautiful hotel/bank type lobby. I entered the doors to the gym and met the Director of Personal Training. A big, muscular guy wearing a red shirt. He shook my hand firmly and showed me around the place. Then we went in his office and he told me a little about the business.

    The way their personal training works (among the trainers) is such that it encompasses shadowing, sharing, practice, experience, feedback, and affirmation. This means that the team of trainers works together so that their programs are effective. It is a continuous learning process, which is important for growth and development as both a person and trainer. The Director asked me a few questions, which both refreshed my memory and taught me something new and valuable that wasn't taught to me in school. You mean four years of college and a professional certification didn't teach you everything? Nope, sure as hell didn't! Learning and discovery are things that never end and should never end if we want to better ourselves.

      So now you're probably wondering what he asked me. He asked me to name the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder. I named two out of four. It looks like I need to update my damn 3-D musculoskeletal quiz application on my iphone. That's all I thought about before bed last night...the names of the four rotator cuff muscles. Anywhere from 91-94% of Americans suffer from low-back pain. He also asked me what the curve was in the low back and why someone may have low-back pain. There are multiple answers, one being poor posture for long hours of the day, but weak rectus abdominal muscles is a major source and that was the answer he was looking for. He showed me a little kinesiology with his mini-skeleton and it became clear that low-back pain could occur if your form is not perfect during abdominal exercises. For example, if you're performing reverse crunches, flutter kicks, and scissor kicks (etc.) and feeling low-back pain at the same time think about pulling in your abs or strengthening them overall. The Director also asked me questions about exercise programming and nutritional recommendations, which he gave me great feedback on.

       My trip yesterday was well worth the hour drive. I want to acknowledge the fact that Personal Fitness is a great gym because they want to be the best at what they do, not because they serve about 300 clients a week for personal training alone. They are interactive with one another and as difficult as it can be to work with a large group of co-workers I'd say they're doing a pretty good job at it. The Director superseeds the quintessential boss or head personal trainer. At Personal Fitness it is as though the questions why? and how? are never left out of exercise programming and before any program is started with a client it is reviewed by someone else to be sure that it makes perfect sense.

    Yesterday inspired me to continue my education as science is evolving ALL the time and I need to know more to help my clients get results. My clients look to me as the expert so that's what I will strive to be. Thank you Personal Fitness for the opportunity to start a career with you and for the reality check! I am by no means perfect. I am inspired to continue my education and I accept your criticism with grace. Thanks again!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Excuses: Quit cheating yourself!

What is it with people who go to the gym and hop on a piece of cardio equipment for 15 minutes then leave? It aggravates me! You may have made the effort to go to the gym, but that is about all you've done. You might as well have not even wasted your time driving 10 minutes there and another 10 minutes home. Obese and morbidly obese individuals who have a lot of difficulty moving may need to start exercise in three broken down or spread out 10-minute increments a day, but not healthy people. I have seen MANY people guilty of this act.

Is it that you've lost the motivation to continue your workout? Are you still thinking about how your boss pissed you off at work and you were just too frustrated to workout? Or maybe you think that's sufficient enough time and effort to see results. Hopefully, you've at least gotten a small increase in energy from that 15 minutes. If not, you're not working hard enough!

I've heard a lot of excuses why it sucks to workout. It takes time and effort, it requires a little skill, you have to do awkward things, you don't want to gain muscle, or get sore. The biggest one that kills me is that people hate to sweat.

Well, I've got news and it's been said before. If you're making excuses, you're cheating yourself out of more than just a workout. You're cheating yourself out of health and well-being. You're cheating yourself out of waking up in a good mood, feeling better about the way you look and feel, and the daily choices you make when all of these factors come together, which could ultimately make or break you.

Most people make up excuses, lie, and cheat without feeling any remorse because the "seed" is planted young. Stop reinforcing your excuses. Own up to the fact that not going to the gym because you don't like to sweat is an excuse. No one 'likes' to sweat, but we do it because it's good for us. You may be the type that "doesn't need to exercise", but everyone needs to exercise. So kick that excuse as well because you won't be able to get away with that excuse forever.

One day you wake up and look at yourself naked in the mirror. "Oh my God!" You knew your clothes weren't fitting that well, but you didn't know it was that bad. You act quick and make today the first day of diet and exercise. Maybe even, you'll start fresh tomorrow. Has this happened to you? This happened because you continued to make up excuse after excuse to eat healthy and exercise. They built on one another and and created their own reality. The reality that one more day of bad habits, one more piece of cheese cake wouldn't hurt. These excuses become part of our long-term memory and we forget we told that tiny fib to ourselves. Thus, memory distortions are created by our own excuses and lies.

"Great workout, let's go get chinese food. We deserve it!" Don't fool yourself. You know that you're putting the calories you burned off STRAIGHT back in to your body. People want to believe that they are moral and right so they'll tell themselves anything to believe this view. What you have done is twist the facts around so that in your mind it's not an really do deserve it because you worked hard.

I'm guilty of this. I'll be honest. I, too, am a little more relaxed when evaluating myself, than when I evaluate my husband. For example, I notice EVERY little excuse he makes up, but it's okay when I do it because it wasn't was the situation!

These behaviors keep a person from living a fulfilling life. I am not saying you have to workout every day. I don't! However, it's important to get a good sweat in, yes I said SWEAT, at least 3 times a week. Accept who you are, flaws and all and set aside the excuses. Most importantly, stop blaming others.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

YUMMY Pumpkin Bread..and HEALTHY!

Delicious Pumpkin Bread...I like to split it up in two mini muffin pans. That way I have one and my husband has one all for himself. About 400 calories per mini muffin pan.

Calories:  96
Fat:  1.4 grams
Carbs:  12 grams
Protein: 10 grams

(8 servings)


1 cup Oat Flour (I use oatmeal and grind it up)
4 Egg Whites
2 scoops Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
½ cup Truvia, or Stevia
½ tsp Baking Soda
¼ tsp Salt
½ tsp Pumpkin Spice
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
8oz Carrot Baby Food
4oz Water

1.       Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.       Mix dry ingredients
3.       Mix wet ingredients (egg whites, Splenda, Truvia, or Ideal, Berry flavored Baby Food,Water) together in a medium sized bowl.
4.       Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix together.
5.       Spray cooking dish with a non stick butter spray and add batter to dish.
Bake 20-30 minutes in oven.

The Domino Effect

       Do you ever notice when someone 'likes' your status on FB you end up 'liking' one of theirs not too long after? Or have you noticed when you hold the door for someone, they hold the next door for you? Kindness is like a chain reaction and it doesn't take much effort for it to spread. Kindness can be used to inspire the passing on of random acts and even push us to the next level.

       When we do something kind because we want to for someone else it is proven that we feel better about ourselves and it also improves the mood of someone else. Often times we can be kind to someone and help them in ways that we do not even realize are kind. There becomes a certain trust present as well when we know someone is kind and compassionate.

       A few weeks ago, during a particular workout, I noticed a couple of girls working out on the other side of the room. They were going about their daily business when I looked back over at them five minutes later, they were doing the same sumo squat with an upright row as I had been doing five minutes ago. Instead of guacking and staring I took it as a compliment.

       My husband Andrew told me while he had been doing Russian twists at the gym the other day with the medicine ball, a lady did the same move right after she saw him doing it.

       I was just asked the other day by a football athlete what he could do for hamstring exercises because he pulled his hamstring during a tackle. It sounded silly and a lot of people would have laughed because you don't work your hamstrings if you've injured them. Instead of chuckling in his face, I gave him a couple great rehab exercises for his hamstring and suggested he rest it. I explained to him why you don't want to keep working it in the weight room and then gave him a suggestion for an upper back exercise. He was appreciative and, in turn, he opened up to me to tell me he strives to be perfect on the playing field so he spends too much time in the gym trying to make himself faster.

       What have you done for someone else today?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Good is Great's Enemy

Today's post is about...well, let me describe it first and then see if I come across the perfect word.

Often times when we start something we don't finish it. Or we finish it several weeks, months, even years later. When we think something is adequate enough or we're content in our lives, we tend to get a little too comfortable and the bad habits start in again.

Content is good. Adequate is okay, but we are capable of so much more than we think. I read a Facebook status today by a good friend. It read, "Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the voice inside you that yells 'can't , but you don't listen . You just push harder. And then you hear the voice whisper 'can. And then you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the person you really are". My friend is from my college days at CCU and when I knew him he was smoking cigarettes, drinking, and staying out late. Today, he is out in Texas practicing golf and spending hours in the gym. He's given up smoking, drinks only on social occasion, and knows when to call it quits.

We get so consumed in our lives that we don't think about the possibility of achieving something better and the benefits that come with pushing yourself to the next level. There are things that distract us from setting our sights higher like family, friends, work and temptations. Family, friends, and work can be temptations as well as distractions if they aren't aware or supportive of your goals. Even when they are aware you have to overcome challenges because they are not you and may need to be reminded of what you're doing. That's why it's important not to lose sight of your goals and what will happen if you achieve them.

No goal is impossible. If your goal is so big that it overwhelms you, well then you know you need to modify the big goal into smaller goals by asking yourself what smaller steps you can take to reach it. Think of it as a labrynth path out in the middle of a beautiful forest. The forest represents your life, which is beautiful. Every stone is a challenge, and the benches along the way are the goals you've set for yourself until you reach the end. It's a journey and like a labrynth it is meant to be enjoyable, calming, exciting, intriguing, and enlightening.

I don't want to sound like a earth loving hippie from some other era, but it's highly important to use positive self-talk, not just when trying to accomplish a goal, but for life. Positive self-talk needs to be practiced by even the most positive people. One of my clients who had breast cancer once told me that it's okay to have a bad day, but a bad week isn't okay. Using positive self-talk is helpful in these types of situations. Positive self-talk is talking to yourself using positive reinforcement and compliments. So, instead of saying you can't, tell yourself you can!

It's good to have a mantra. A mantra is something that can be repeated to yourself over and over. It is best to find a quiet place when saying it. Say it in your head or out loud, whichever you choose. For instance, if you have difficulty deciding whether or not to go to the gym I like to use the mantra, "I'm only one workout from a good mood".

Don't get too comfortable where you are, because you haven't accomplished what you're truly capable of achieving. If you MUST have those chips in the cupboard and you feel terrible after you eat them...stop buying them and get rid of the temptation. If you're not happy with the way you look, start exercising. It can be fun, and no one's lying when they say exercise increases your endorphins. Endorphins play a key role in mood regulation, and improved mood leads to improved memory (no, really, research has found this to be true) and improved positive self-talk, which in turn means a better chance of achieving what you want to do. Even if it isn't exercise related. It could have to do with saving money for a house, but it's still a goal and takes time to get there. It only takes 20 minutes to get your oxygen levels up. So there's no excuse.

What happened to John when he wanted  to lose 100+ pounds and then he took a few months off from exercise and healthy diet skills? John got too comfortable when he saw a little bit of results. He was feeling better about himself, which means he also felt content. After a few months of slacking on diet and exercise John was back to square one. He was unhappy and realized he needed to do something to lose the weight again, but he should have just continued from day one because he would have been a lot closer to his goal if he didn't give up due to contentment.

I hope you understand what I am saying. You are far more capable of doing what you thought was impossible. Nothing is impossible, you just need the right toolbox. I wish you luck and if you ever need inspiration, just ask for a little and I'll be happy to help!

Kelsey Sellers

Friday, November 11, 2011

Prenatal weight gain: Is it okay to exercise during pregnancy?

       So recently I was asked by my friend what she should do for exercises seeing she is pregnant. I wasn't quite sure what she should do aside from a few basic moves because for as long as I studied and went to school for, we didn't learn prenatal exercise! I did, however, do a small brochure on prevention of weight gain during exercise.

       I guess it would do me good to participate in a little continuing education especially since I live on an army base and there are plenty of women I know who are having babies. Anyway, you can visit the educational link yourself or feel free to read what I have to say about prenatal exercise...and don't worry because I didn't just make it up.

     Also, it would be REALLY beneficial for you ladies to check out this website for some really helpful hints on what types of activities to do during your pregnancy. If you click on the italicized link it should take you directly to it.

    Weight gain is a common side effect of pregnancy. There are different levels of weight gain depending on how much you weigh pre-pregnancy. Depending on how much you weigh before your pregnancy will depend on how much you should gain during the entire pregnancy cycle. Below are the approximate number of pounds gained during the entire pregnancy based on your weight and BMI.

Type                                     BMI                  Avg. # of lbs.
Underweight                     >19.8                                       28-40
Average                               19.8-26.0                               25-35
Overweight                       26.1-29.0                               15-25
Obese                                   <29.0                                       15

     In the first twelve weeks gaining 2-4 pounds is considered healthy and then 1 pound per week for the remainder of the pregnancy. If you are having twins then the average woman can expect to gain 35-45 lbs. where the first 2-4 lbs. will be gained in the first twelve weeks and about 1 ½ lbs. per week for the remainder of the pregnancy.

Where does the extra weight go?
    The extra weight goes to the parts of the body produced or being used during pregnancy.
Baby                                                                                                            >8 lbs.
Placenta                                                                                                      2-3 lbs.
Amniotic fluid                                                                                            2-3 lbs.
Breast tissue                                                                                              2-3 lbs.
Blood supply                                                                                              4 lbs.
Fat stores for delivery and breast feeding                                             5-9 lbs.
Uterus increase                                                                                          2-5 lbs.

    The first thing you need to know before you get pregnant is that you are going to inevitably gain weight throughout the pregnancy cycle. When you get pregnant talk to your health care provider and ask what the healthy weight gain range is for your body and baby.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help deliver the nutrients and allow your baby to grow at a healthy rate.

MYTH: It is a myth that when you are pregnant you need to eat for two. The fact is you only need to take in 100-300 more calories than you normally eat. You do not want to consume less or lose weight during your pregnancy. It is not safe.

Eating Proper and Balanced Meals
    There are six small steps you can take to prevent pregnancy weight loss and excess weight gain.

·         Eat six small meals every day.
·         Carry quick and healthy snacks on hand like nuts, raisins, dried fruit, cheese, crackers, or yogurt.
·         Spread peanut butter on toast and fruit like apples, bananas. One tablespoon provides an extra 100 calories to your daily intake.     
·         Adding non-fat powdered milk to mashed potatoes, hot cereal, and scrambled eggs adds vitamins and minerals to your diet and extra calories.
·         Add condiments like cream cheese, sour cream, butter, and jelly to your food.

Slowing Weight Gain
·         When eating out at fast-food restaurants choose foods low in fat like a side salad, broiled chicken, and vegetables. Avoid eating fried foods.
·         Avoid whole-milk products. Even though you should get 4 servings of milk daily they should be low-fat or non-fat dairy.
·         Limit sweet or sugary drinks. Drinks like fruit punch and soda have little or no nutrients and add extra empty calories.
·         Don’t add salt. Adding salt makes your body retain water. Thus, adding extra weight.

·         Limit sweets and high calorie snacks. Like sweet or sugary drinks, high calorie snacks have little or no nutrient value and add unwanted pounds.
·         Use fats in moderation. Be careful when using condiments that are high in fat and sugar like butter, oil, gravy sauces, sour cream, cream cheese, dressings, and mayo.
Prepare meals using low-fat cooking methods like baking, broiling, and grilling.

For those who have trouble maintaining their weight, Weight Watchers is a great form of support. It allows you to track your food in a daily journal and promotes exercise. It even includes giving pregnant women a healthy amount of extra “points” on a system called the points system. However, it is still important to talk to your health care provider before doing so.

    Do whatever exercise you did before you became pregnant. If you did not exercise then start slowly and ease in to it. Some women say that exercising during pregnancy eases discomfort and can make labor much easier.
Oxygen Fitness magazine has a spread every month for pregnant women. It gives information on how to perform exercises safe and effectively.

Risk Factors
    Lack of a nutritional diet and exercise are two major risk factors for gaining too much weight during pregnancy. Increased weight gain can lead to several risk factors for your baby, so it is important to gain weight slowly and properly during your pregnancy cycle.  An increased weight gain during pregnancy above the normal limit can lead to an overweight child. A decreased weight during pregnancy can lead to an underweight baby. Too much weight gain is also a risk factor for diseases such as high blood pressure or sleep apnea. Depending on whether you are eating a balanced diet can also affect your baby if your baby does not get the proper nutrients it needs to grow healthfully.

Chest, tri's, and cardio.

Workout 20

I'm not going to lie. Ever since I've decided to take charge of my body and transform it by doing regular exercise I am feeling inspired and excited about the changes I'm seeing. With the way I've been training lately I am seeing results as fast as P90X, Insanity, or any other program of that sort. These workouts are time-efficient, effective, and diverse in exercise composition.

And to be honest. I really got tired of writing out programs for myself because they were boring. They were always split routines and consisted of several isolation exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, chest press, etc. That is, however, a good quality to have in a personal trainer. A trainer who sits down and thinks about each clients strengths and weaknesses and what exercises can be incorporated to strengthen those weaknesses and improve strength where the client is already strong is a well trained...trainer.

I decided functional training is the way to go for quick results, and usually I make up the workout on the way to the gym. Keep in mind that the term quick results is at least 8 weeks. No one workout is the same as the next. I am familiar with my own body and how far I can push myself, so making up my own workout on a whim isn't necessarily a bad thing. Do I have weaknesses? Absolutely I do. I have one weak hip, and I make sure that I incorporate stretches to alleviate the deep pain I feel at the beginning of my workout so I am properly warmed up. My shoulder range of motion is terrible, so I add in exercises a couple times a week to improve it. Most people who don't exercise regularly, are just starting a program, or haven't taken the time to familiarize themselves with their own bodies don't realize these limitations (or strengths) unless it is painful for them.

I wouldn't suggest making up a workout on a whim on your own unless you know each muscle and what it does.

A few things I keep in mind when creating a workout are:
  • Choose a muscle group to train such as chest and tri's, back and bi's, back and hams, shoulders, glutes, and abs...
  • Choose exercises you think would superset or giant set together well. For instance, if you get light headed easily, don't choose to go from a lying supine exercise to a standing/jumping exercise.
  • Perform multijoint exercises before isolated exercises.
  • Incorporate high intensity exercises like bunny hops, mountain climbers, rock stars, burpees, skaters, jump squats, high knees, etc.
  • Give yourself up to 30 seconds of rest between each superset.
I am going to try to give you a little information before I give you the workout of the day. Hopefully it helps a little.

Workout 20:

Triset 1, Repeat 2x:
Decline push-ups on physioball...1 minute
Alternate tricep kickback (half-squat stance)...10 lbs, 1 minute
Lateral step (side to side) on aerobic step with risers...30 seconds
Step-ups....30 seconds

Triset 2, Repeat 2x:
Alternate dumbbell chest press on physioball (I do one arm at a time)...20 lbs, one minute or 12 each arm
Sumo squat with alternate overhead tricep extension....10 lbs each hand, 1 minute
Lateral step (side to side) on aerobic step....30 seconds
Step-ups...30 seconds

Triset 3, Repeat 2x:
Reverse crunch with dumbbell flye...10 lbs each hand, 1 minute
Side plank (switch sides halfway) minute
Rockstar jumps...30 seconds or 20 jumps

Repeat workout once more.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Functional training: Sample workout

I realize a while ago I said I would post after every workout during my 8 weeks of training, which I have failed to do. I'm going to take responsibility and start posting now!

I began a different method of training October 16th and am now 19 workouts deep. I have noticed a 6 pound weight loss and my abs are beginning to show through. If you don't believe me you can ask Andrew! I feel so much better about myself and wearing my clothes is a lot more fun too. The best part about it is it's only been four weeks...not even four!

The 8 weeks of training is different from what I normally do because it is a timed workout (approximately one hour), 6 days a week, high intensity workout with little rest, and the workouts utilize a lot of functional exercises allowing for a more "total body" effect. These type of exercises incorporate more muscles during an exercise session, increase heart rate, work the cardiovascular system while strength training at the same time. The best part (for me) is the calorie burn. I typically workout 3 days on, one day off.

Let me not forget to mention that I did not have a course of action prior to this 8 week experiment, which most likely allows for even greater results. My fitness was okay since I had trained regular during the school year, but that ended in May and then I had only been working out anywhere from 1-3 days per week. I got fed up with the way I looked and had my husband take some "before" pictures. I will be sure to post those pictures when the 8 week is up!

Here is tonight's workout... which kicked my a%$ if you must ask.

5 minute warm-up on the elliptical
Dynamic stretches (I do a lunge series then finish with a few more stretches)
   -I always finish with high knees and butt kicks

Triset 1, Repeat 2x:
Wide-grip power pull-ups...8 reps
Hanging leg raises...12 reps
Burpees...12 reps

Triset 2, Repeat 2x:
Lateral Deadlift (opposite reach)...30 lb kettlebell timed for 1 minute.
Plank twists...1 min.
High knees...30 seconds

Triset 1, Repeat 2x

Triset 2, Repeat 2x

Superset, Repeat 4x:
Bent over one-arm row...8 reps each arm
    -keep your free arm rested behind your back and get down in a half squat position
Kettlebell figure-eight...15 lbs for 45 seconds

Isometric lunge with wide grip bicep curl...10 pounds for 12 reps, 4 sets

No One's Perfect

No one's perfect...they say
Well I disagree!
I happen to be a perfect example of a perfect person
I'm perfectly good in my goodness
Perfect at being angry when I'm mad
I'm perfectly disagreeable when I argue
And make perfect mistakes in my errors
I develop a perfectly negative attitude when moody
I'm perfectly happy in my happiness
And will cry perfectly when sad
I'm perfectly calm in my coolness
Fall perfectly short in my shortcomings
And when I make a's a perfect wreck
I pout...shout...and strike out perfectly
In the insanity of living in this perfectly imperfect world.
So no one's perfect?
- Daphne Haygood-Benyard

       I thought this poem was pun intended. Today's topic is about trying to be perfect in everything we do, or in one area of our life, specifically. Whether it's our work we're trying to perfect, or a relationship we have with another person, or even our bodies... trying to be perfect can be destructive in more ways than one.

     The perception we have of ourself depends on the ability to recognize our personal strengths. The less awareness you have for your personal strengths, the lower self-esteem you have. For example, people who can't identify any strengths at all and are always saying how ugly they are have low self-esteem. Be aware the next time you tell someone their strength (this can also be a compliment) and note their immediate verbal or nonverbal reaction. Did they downplay it or did they embrace it?

       We make choices every day of our lives. We always have choices to make. Do I grab a sandwich and fries for lunch from that great restaurant downtown or do I make my own lunch? Should I go to the gym today or take the day off? Knowing your personal limits is vital for making decisions.

     Personal limits are internal boundaries that we, ourselves, create and often times they are too constricting. We tell ourselves that we can't do something because, for example, it will interfere with what we are working toward. Fears, failures, or inexperience hold us back from doing what we are truly capable of doing.

       What I am saying is that people who try to be perfect all of the time are actually holding themselves back from being who they truly are. If you're scared to do something I highly recommend trying to do it. This will help you determine if your inner limits are too restrictive. You can also determine if your inner limits are too restrictive by taking a strength to a higher level. If you're a good artist, take it to the next level and step out of your comfort zone. This can be applied to anything in life. If you constantly do cardio because you're scared of going in to the weight room...go into the damn weight room and conquer your fear!

       We try to be perfectionists, but we aren't being perfect at all. Start recognizing your strengths. We are all unique and different from one another, yet we all share the same feelings. It's not bragging to know your strengths. It will allow you to expand your boundaries and live a more experienced life.

       Life is too precious not to love who you are and know yourself as a loveable, exciting person. A bad day is a bad day, but to constantly hide because you think you aren't good enough is a waste of a life. I know someone who won't go to the pool until they lose the weight. Well, it has been a LONG time since they've been to the pool and they're still saying they're going to lose the weight. Stop hiding...start recognizing your strengths and show the world what you've got!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dig Deep

The reasons why we choose to get in shape or want to get in shape vary widely. I'm not talking about fitness goals such as "I want to lose weight" or "I want to gain muscle", but instead the inner, deeper reasons why we want to get healthy. Usually there is an underlying cause whether it has been established or not eating at us to improve ourself. It is really important to do some emotional and personal reflection to put these causes for bettering ourself into words so that we can use them as motivating factors.
  • Some people are sick of being overweight because it lowers their self-esteem. A low self-esteem can affect multiple aspects of life especially relationships with others. Feeling better about yourself is certainly a great way to increase your self-esteem and exercise can give you a better sense of wellbeing.
There are both physiological and psychological reasons for this effect of wellbeing. Physiological changes happen when you exercise such as the release of specific endorphins creating a "high". Endorphins in your blood are about five times higher during moderate to intense exercise for at least 30 minutes (or circuit training) than at rest. Establishing an exercise program that works for you (remember to always keep adding variety so you don't get bored) can help you retain to your program. The longer you stick to it and fight through the sweat and fatigue the more you gain control of your life. Endorphins released during exercise decrease the sense of pain, anxiety, and stress in your life.

We cannot always just demand respect from other people who walk all over you. You might get laughed at if you do that or it might mean absolutely nothing to the person disrespecting you. "You get what you give" and this pertains to the energy or vibe you give off as well. If you have enough respect for yourself to take care of yourself, make improvements in your life, build your self esteem it will certainly show in your relationships and people will respect you for that.
  • Some people have health issues such as high blood pressure and must take medication to lower their blood pressure. However, these medications have side effects that can be awfully unpleasant causing pain, dysfunction, irritability, etc.
Exercise is a drug-free approach to lowering blood pressure. Most people who maintain a steady exercise program come off of their blood pressure medication with the approval of their doctor. Regular physical activity (30-60 minutes most days of the week) can lower post-exercise blood pressure by up to 12 mm/Hg. And it doesn't take long to see a difference.

Those are two main reasons why people want to become healthier. Underlying reasons often include family members which touch close to the heart. Broken relationships, a death, stress at work are all underlying reasons we aren't reaching success in our personal life. It's important to get in touch with your mind before beginning a health program for weight loss especially. No amount of diet and exercise will help you lose weight if you're not dealing with what's going on inside first.

If you have issues with your mom living with you then tell her and confront it face to face. Write down all the reasons why you benefit from being overweight. Are they excuses? Then write down all the reasons why you want to get in shape. Keeping a journal is a great way to figure out what's bothering you without seeing a therapist. Even the greatest, most knowledgable health freaks keep journals to stay on track.

Most importantly, write down how that can motivate you to get healthier. "I want to get healthy for my children. I want to live to see them go to college and have grandchildren someday." "I want to feel better inside and out. I will have more energy and be able to do normal activities such as going swimming with my friends without being embarrassed."

Get healthy for YOU!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How much do you really know about nutrition?

I just saw a McDonald's commercial recently where an adult party (looked like a wedding party) was eating McDonald's at the head table. The actors were all dressed up and each person had a bag of McDonald's food. My first thought was "What's next for McDonald's, catering?" Now that would be scary!! McDonald's will always have customers, but I do think they're desparate in trying new ways to reach their audience.

I think today's society is headed in a new direction and people want to try to eat differently. (Hence McDonald's attempt to offer healthy selections like oatmeal, salads, yogurt parfaits, etc.) How could one not want to at least try to change their dietary habits with all the information out there about the risks of obesity, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity? But, how much do we really know about nutrition?

It can be difficult to know even where to start without any professional instruction in nutrition. Yes, we know fruits, vegetables, whole grains are all good for us. There's more to it than that though, right? I know there are people out there who are striving to lose weight who exercise 5 days/week and claim their nutrition is good but they aren't seeing results. So where do YOU start? What are some of  the misconceptions that you'd like cleared up?

And no, McDonald's is NOT good for you so don't fall for their "healthy" sales gimmicks.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Flat Abs

What's the secret ingredient we must be doing in order to get great abs?

Is it 5 sets of 20 crunches? Should you be doing different ab exercises every day of the week or just a couple days a week? Or should we keep the exercises the same on one day and different the next? We all want to know what program is the best for getting ripped six pack abs.

Even women want the "six pack" abs we see in the media and people have been debating this question ever since the first bodybuilders appeared on the Santa Monica strip in their banana boat swim trunks. How do they do it?

The anwer to this isn't as simple as people want to hear. People often want to hear and do believe that the miracle weight-loss pill they see on commercial ads work. This is true for the abdominal equipment "proven" to get your abs into shape as fast as in two weeks. This just isn't possible unless you plan on supplementing a healthy diet and exercise with it.

The truth is you cannot just work the abdominals because you will strengthen the stomach and weaken your back causing an imbalance within your thoracic region. The best way to form flat abs requires discipline, a proper diet, and training regimen as will follow.

You can train your abdominals more than twice per week because they are strong muscles, which require a lot of training to see improvements. Of course, start out training abs twice a week if you do not train them regularly.

Abdominals are used in many core exercises and total body exercises. Thus, they do not necessarily have to be isolated when exercising them. In fact, it is best not to always isolate them. Core exercises incorporate muscles of the trunk region such as the abdominals, and middle and lower back. This is great because you are strengthening your abdominals and your back at the same time. Some core exercises are also total body exercises, which work the entire body and burn twice as many calories as isolating one muscle shedding fat faster. They include (but are not limited to) bird-dogs, side-planks, deadlifts, squats.

Supersetting is another great way to shape-up the core fast. A superset is two exercises done back to back without any rest in between. I realize you want flat abs, but performing core exercises works the muscles around the trunk and ultimately shreds fat and builds lean muscle around the trouble areas (such as those love handles and the lower portion of the belly) shrinking the waist. Supersetting exercises can be done in many ways. You can take a back exercise such as a superman and combine it with the abdominal exercise bicycle crunches. Or you can take a squat and superset it with a deadlift.

It really doesn't matter how you do it. I would recommend going from an exercise that uses larger muscles to an exercise that uses smaller muscles. And, if you get dizzy easily don't superset an exercise that is high intensity such as a squat with a crunch because your blood pressure is likely to change rapidly making you feel nauseous.

You don't need equipment to exercise your muscles. However, if you aren't working with equipment, it is important to complete the exercise until you can feel your muscles that you're working burning. Personal trainers call this number "Repetions". Try to push a little past the point of burning. This is when you know you're breaking down the muscle for repair and regrowth (called micro-damage). You want this to happen in order for the muscles to change. Repeat the exercise at least twice. If it's a superset, repeat the superset at least twice.

Always start your day with a healthy breakfast. Choose fruits and vegetables over high-calorie, sugary foods. Instead of white, starchy carbohydrates such as white bread, potatoes, and certain cereals and pastas, go for whole grains. Fish oils, nuts, avocados, and olive oil are healthy fats that are good for shedding unwanted fat around the midsection so don't be afraid to eat it. It's also really great for the cardiovascular system.

Most books out there will tell you this same stuff. "How to improve your metabolism", "The key to six pack abs". It's really not that difficult. Don't spend your money on costly books or pills. Just get on the internet and use your research skills to pick through the bulls$%t. All you need is a healthy, clean diet without any processed foods and a little bit of exercise.

I hope this helps!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Falling off the band wagon

Some days just seem impossible to get through. You might have the world on your shoulders one day or you may just be completely bored the next and you find yourself sitting on the couch, watching television, eating anything you can find that's appealing in the kitchen cabinets because food will cure everything.

For my mom it's coming home and immediately pouring herself a glass of wine...and then another glass, and then another. No offense mom, I love you!

I agree that we all need an outlet daily to let out stress in order to regain and maintain balance within your life, but your choices on how you choose to deal with stress impact whether or not you will feel better afterward. If you have a habit of going for the bag of potato chips, cookies or ice cream (maybe you eat all of those) then don't expect that you're going to be happy afterward or when your pants don't fit six months down the road.

I have bad days too. Some days I come home and go for an ice cream (and a brownie) with my husband, and we'll split a frozen pizza, but I don't begin my day that way. And, I don't beat myself up either. The next day I often feel lethargic because that food does not provide you with any lasting energy. It only provides with you energy that gets stored as fat over night while you sleep.

Ever heard the term falling off the bandwagon? It's really important that even when you have a bad day the next day you look deep within yourself and find the will to be better than you were the day before. Go to the gym, go for a power-walk or a jog. Go swimming. Do something that is going to lift your spirits. You've got to start somewhere right?

Exercise is something that should be done almost on a daily basis. Most people under estimate the power of physical activity and the benefits it provides for your well being. It also speeds up your metabolism by adding lean muscle for the next time you really need a night to raid the cupboards. There are a thousand different ways to get up and move.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Smoking cigarettes won't affect my fitness status: True or False

FALSE. My husband and I were discussing weight management in the military over dinner last night when we began debating whether or not cigarette use has any effect on fitness status.

When a soldier can't pass his PT test he has to do what is called "remedial PT". In other words he is forced to go back and do a second round of physical training after work until he can pass his PT test. We were on the topic of what would be worse...not knowing how to eat properly or not having any fitness level whatsoever. I thought not knowing how to eat right would be worse because you'd always be putting things in your mouth not knowing what was in it and what it was doing for you. My husband said having a poor fitness level is worse because you'd never pass your PT test. Somehow we got to talking about smoking and how it can help you lose weight, which I had to jump right in!

He said he has a friend who smokes cigarettes and can do over 60 push-ups in two minutes (he's overweight and on the remedial program). He can't run, which is the reason why he can't pass his PT test. On the other hand my husband lost over 60 pounds and smoked cigarettes at the same time.

This may sound confusing, but you can lose weight and smoke cigarettes at the same time. You cannot, however, improve your fitness level by any great lengths. You can argue that if you're sedentary, smoke cigarettes, and begin an exercise program you will see health improvements. Also, performing push-ups is an anaerobic exercise requiring no oxygen. Running is an aerobic activity requiring a lot of  oxygen and when you smoke cigarettes the alveoli in the lungs are destroyed making it difficult to circulate oxygen through the blood stream to the tissues for energy production.

On another note:

Everyone knows and understands that food is a human right. But, what I don't understand is why soldiers are offered cookies, cake, ice cream, hot dogs, and cheeseburgers at the chow hall when the military wants their soldiers to be the best and strongest army in the world. The U.S. military has some pudgy soldiers who can't pass PT tests and are forced to do two sessions of grueling physical training yet they're going to offer them foods containing trans fat, additives, and other chemicals that aid in the production of sluggish, overweight "warriors" with ADD? Food is personal choice, but soldiers can make that choice off-base where they go daily.

I'm not completely bashing the military because the chow hall does offer healthy options, but for those soldiers who have no will-power, control or knowledge of what's in their food then why should we put the ever-so-addicting foods infront of them? There are those soldiers who are in good athletic shape and can afford to eat more calories than others, but they too can go off-base to purchase the foods that have no nutritional value. The military should offer only the highest quality nutrition for their soldiers on base if they expect their soldiers to be the best. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Training Effect

Ever wonder why you can't lose weight even though you walk, ride your bike, garden, or take part in many other physical activities regularly? Wonder why even though you do an hour of cardio and/or lifts weights you don't see a difference in your physique? There are specific levels of stimulation in which our body must exceed if we want it to respond a certain way. These levels, better referred to as zones, have different effects on the body.

Sedentary people do not get enough stimulation and typically experience pain, fatigue, and dysfunction. Afterall, moving allows for improved blood and oxygen flow throughout the circulatory system and keeps all the other systems in the body healthy. When we sit all day without moving, then your body systems are idling.

The physiologic loading zone is the next level of stimulation. These include daily activities such as grocery shopping, cleaning, gardening, walking, etc.


The next level of stimulation is the physiologic training zone in which you will begin to see physiological changes. Both of these zones are the right amount of stimulation for good health. However, depending on your health and fitness goals the loading zone may not be sufficient enough to reach those goals. In the training zone you are imposing a level of stress above that to which the body has already adapted in the loading zone.


There's a reason why when you first begin to work out you start seeing results FAST. When you workout at the right load then physiological changes take place within your body. Load refers to the stress you put on your muscles during exercise. The strength demanded by your tissues (muscle, bone, tendons and ligaments) in order to overcome the stress placed on them by exercise causes microscopic tissue damage.

This physiological response is called remodeling. Once micro-damage has occurred the damaged muscle tissue will recover by getting bigger or stronger.

Results slow down within due time because of adaptation. However, by proper rest and recuperation and by not exceeding the training zone into the pathologic overload zone you will build the strength you need in order to increase your effort. Otherwise, overuse injury can occur when you do not allow your tissues to heal first before exercising again.


If you're one of those people who does an hour of cardio every day, but you don't see any definition in your muscles then try picking up a light pair of weights and doing some strength exercises a couple days a week. You can also switch up the resistance level on the cardio equipment your on varying it and creating an interval workout instead of continuous.

If you need to lower your blood pressure, lower cholesterol, or strengthen your bones then invest in a beginner weight training DVD and a light pair of weights. Remodeling also applies to bone mineral.

If you consistently walk, don't have money for a gym membership, and dislike running, then find some uneven terrain. Walking up hills increases the load placed on your muscles and will also challenge your cardiovascular system!

Your body is always adapting. Thus, it's important to vary daily activities and different methods of exercise in order to get the best results.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Did you know that when twins are born one is typically more resilient than the other? Why is this and does it have to do with genetic or environmental factors?

Resiliency is the ability to bounce back quickly from adversity or stress. Whether or not a person is resilient depends largely on their personality. I bring this topic up because it is important when reaching health and fitness goals.

Someone who has low resiliency is more likely to suffer from health problems like heart attacks, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. If you are someone who can identify with these characteristics then you are a resilient person:

1. You have positive thoughts
2. You see problems as opportunities
3. You have a deep rooted faith in a system of meaning
4. You have a wide comfort zone
5. You have a healthy social support network

Environmental factors can often cause a person to lose sight of their health and fitness goals. For example, someone who is overweight and begins working out at a gym may lose all desire to finish the workout when they see someone who is already at the fitness level they want to be at. However, someone who is resilient would look at that person as a role model and motivation to get where they want to be.

Another example would be giving in to your favorite cheat meal after working hard at the gym all week. This isn't the end of the world! Use this as an opportunity to identify what you might be doing wrong. What are you cutting out of your diet that your body might need? Are you getting proper nutrition post-workout? Also, think positively! Your body most likely needed that meal.

I would recommend setting very small goals for yourself if you are not typically a resilient person. Take it day by day and don't set too many goals that will overwhelm you.

Here are a few examples of small goals that would be great to start out with on your health and fitness journey:
1. Eat a couple pieces of fruit throughout the day
2. Finish at least 30 minutes of cardio. Break it up into three 10 minute sessions if you have to.
3. Learn a new strength exercise
4. Start your day with a big glass of water before you eat anything
5. Get rid of everything in your cabinets with high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients list

By having 1 or more of these small goals each day, you are less likely to fail. The goal allows you to take control of your life little at a time. Remember that you are human, just like everybody else in the gym. We had to start somewhere too! The difference is, when we fell down we may have cried a little, dusted ourselves off, but we stood back up! Never lose sight of a healthier you.

Guinea pig: 8 week experiment

Hey Everyone! Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I will be blogging later tonight as well, but for now I just wanted to let ya'll know starting in two weeks I will be dedicating myself to an off-season figure workout routine for 8 weeks for those of you wanting to know how effective it is.

I will be taking before and after photos so you can see the changes. Yes, I will be taking all the measurements as well. Bodyfat, BMI, waist circumference, weight, etc., which is why I will not be doing it for another two weeks. I need to prepare myself.

Depending on how I feel and how effective it is I will make some slight changes to the program after the 8 weeks is up and may continue with it. However, for the sake of my own peace of mind will be taking a week off from intense weight training and substituting it with a different type of training.

My workouts and nutrition will be blogged about daily! Follow me on Twitter those of you who are interested in training in the future and want to know what works and what does not!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Will losing weight make me happy?

Unfortunately, people who think that the solution to their loneliness, emptiness, sadness, or depression is weight-loss when it is not. Please let me briefly explain a few things to help you better understand.

Happiness is something sought after by everybody whether by celebrities, royalty, or the average Joe (or Jane). More than 33% of adults and 17% of children are affected by obesity (population approximately 303 million people). Depression affects 1 out of 20 Americans older than 12 years. Whether overweight and obesity is a side-effect of depression or depression is a side-effect of overweight and obesity is questionable, but the two are proportionally correlated. What this means is that when one symptom increases so does the other.

In today’s mainstream media and market, more weight-loss products are being sold more than ever before. The percent of jobs open to health care professionals has increased. What this means is that there is a need to decrease the problem of obesity. Obesity is a problem because, compared to healthy weight individuals, most studies show a significant increase in mortality rate. However, decreasing the obesity rate has been a challenge despite the efforts of numerous health programs around the United States.

Weight-loss vs. Fat-loss

We want quick fixes to losing weight, but they aren’t the answer. Trying the latest fad diets and weight-loss pills, which offer up to 20 pounds lost in two weeks, is not a valid way to lose weight. A couple of reasons why they do not work are because you’re losing water-weight and not fat-weight. These dangerous pills can damage your kidneys, liver, and heart, and often contain diuretics to help you expel water out of your system leaving you dehydrated even if you do not feel like you are. Fad diets require that you consume very little calories causing you to feel hungry. If you can stick to this fad diet for a few days you’re body goes into starvation mode holding on to energy stored in the body. Consider it this way, when you eat very little calories your body thinks you’re starving it and conserves energy, actually holding onto fat. You will experience blood sugar highs and lows making you feel dizzy, irritable, and fatigued. You will not be able to keep the weight off long-term.

The proper way to lose fat is to slowly decrease your calorie intake while expending more calories through physical activity. To know whether you’re losing weight the healthy way, 1-2 pounds a week is what you should see on the scale.

So, will losing FAT make me happy?

Being at a healthy weight can give you a greater sense of well-being and often does decrease symptoms of depression by allowing you to feel that you are in control of your life. Happiness comes from within. Sometimes we struggle to lose weight because we have not properly dealt with the deeper, internal issues. It is important to talk to a therapist, friend, or family member about how you’re feeling. Keeping a journal of how you feel can be very helpful by allowing you to identify what you’re emotions are at the current moment.

Weight-loss pills and fad diets are not magic and will not solve your problems. Trying to get skinny should not be your goal. Genetics play a large role in how your body is shaped. Thus, the shape of your body most likely will not change, but the size of it can through physical activity and a healthy diet.